Saturday, August 21, 2010

Just had a baby and ready to go back to work. Any advice?

I have a few job interviews lined up and I just need to know what's expected at a interview. this is the first job interview that i ever had. i just want to be as professional as possible any ideas. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Yes, i went to college and i have a bachelor degree in computer information systems. All the interviews i have are in the computer field. Any methods on having a successful job interview.Just had a baby and ready to go back to work. Any advice?
Be yourself, don't talk too much, answer their questions honestly, but don't ramble on.

Dress a little bit more upscale then what you would expect to wear to work everyday if u got the position.

Not too much perfume/scented sprays.

No gum in ur mouth, try to stay away from anything that will make ur breath bad before the interview, and brush ur teeth well prior to the interview. If ur interview is after u would normally eat, either skip ur meal til after the interview, or be prepared to brush ur teeth again before the interview.

When asked about ur strengths and abilities, as well as weaknesses, try to start with strength, work into weakness, back to another strength, and so on. Always start, and end with a strength when possible.

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