Thursday, August 19, 2010

Can i put angels with yellow electric cichlids?plz giv som advice?

Angels are 1 and half year old arond 5.5 inch with tail and fins and yellow electric around 2-2.5 cmCan i put angels with yellow electric cichlids?plz giv som advice?
no, electric yellows are africans, angels are american cichlids. the two should not be mixed. the yellows will harass and nip the angels.Can i put angels with yellow electric cichlids?plz giv som advice?
Cat is absolutely right. Angels are from South American Rivers (the Amazon and its tributaries) while Electric Yellows are from Lake Malawi in Africa. South American waters are very soft and acidic (low pH), while African lakes are hard and basic (high pH). Not only are their parameter necessities totally different, the Yellows are much more aggressive and will attack the relatively passive Angels until the Angels are dead. On top of that, Mbuna like the Electric Yellow, are herbivorous, while Angelfish are carnivorous, so feeding would be difficult.

If you want the Angel, make sure you have a 30+ gallon tank (after all, Angels will reach more than 6 inches in length and 12 inches in height). Under those circumstances, Rams, Apistos, Kribs, Tetras, Rasboras, Cories and other small Catfish, Loaches (avoid Clowns as they reach MASSIVE sizes), Dwarf Pike (depending on the species), Festivums, Barbs (avoid Tiger Barbs-- they are VERY nippy), Danios, and Rainbowfish. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

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