Monday, August 23, 2010

Have you ever taken Intro to Financial Accounting? How difficult is this class? Advice to succeed?

I am a senior, Major in Philosophy minor in Business Administration, and Intro to Financial Accounting as well as Business Finance are requirements for the major.

Any tips on how to succeed in Accounting, how difficult is the class, and whats the difference between Business Fiannce and Financial Accounting?

Thanks so much for the input.Have you ever taken Intro to Financial Accounting? How difficult is this class? Advice to succeed?
Alright, I have taken Financial Accounting.

I'm not sure exactly what the difernece is between Bus. and Fin. I think it could be the level (Bus harder) and the fact that you're doing finaces from a basic consumer point of view. While the business is from a Bus. point of view.


1) Get to know your calculator. All the formulas you need are in your menu in your TI-83 or 84.

2) Do your homework. If you get behind on your homework it's harder. Also, the homework is great prep and help for your exams. If you haven't done examples then you'll do bad on exam.

3) Go to tutoring. I went and it helped!

4) Know what's happening and why. Sure, you know the numbers but, you HAVE TO understand the logics behind the math. Know the accounting point of view.

5) Sit next to people who know what they're doing...ask the professor questions. I talked in class to the people next to me about what was going on. That helped me because step-by-step I could ask questions about what happened and why the prof did that.

So, good luck!

ps. Business Finance I believe you do the Balance Sheet and Income statements and balancing for the whole business and expenses.

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