Saturday, August 21, 2010

Can you really take anyone's advice from Yahoo answers?

I mean, really. I see people on here all the time with what seems to be overpowering, life-changing dilemmas, and most of the answers are frivolous and silly. Can you really take anyone's advice from Yahoo answers?Can you really take anyone's advice from Yahoo answers?
I do, when it makes sense of course.

Believe it or not, there are people on here that are giving out honestly worthy advice !!

=)Can you really take anyone's advice from Yahoo answers?
Depends on so many things.... There are some people on yahoo answers who will give you real advice (the question of how good it is, is another story) and some people will give you like one word answers, and answers that are silly and frivolous. It is you that makes the decision, and if you take someones advice, its your decision. You can take advice from yahoo answers, but the question of its credibility and how well it would work, is a diffrent question all togheter.

I think you need to be smart enough to look at everything and decide for yourself what is helpful... use common sense... there are a lot of nice people out there who gives great advice and suggestions.... yahoo answer is a place where can discuss almost anything and get a reaction from anybody around the world. This is very powerful because it connects people of different culture, religion, political position... you get a wide perspective of ideas from all kinds of people... it is really not about taking anyone's advice.... it is to see what other people has to say about your question. It is up to you to decide whether or not you agree.
I know some answers are silly etc., but if you take the time to read them all, you will find some knowledgeable advice in many suggestions. It just takes a little time to decipher the good from the bad. Also many answers are just a matter of opinion and people should choose the one that best fits them. Look for the ones that contain common sense, that's usually the best advice given.
You have to take them for what they are... Sometimes answers from idiots who are just trying to earn points (like it really matters) and others from amateurs who are guessing. Many answers, though, come from folks who've faced the same problems and can provide some insights.

I often see problems posted by what seems to be young people who probably think that the problem they're facing is unique and has never been seen before...

That said, I would never take medical or career advice from this site!
It helps people to think a little more about their situation most advice is always very similar.

I once backed out of having an unecessary operation on my knee from the advice in one question. Of the twenty plus replies I got one contradicted all the rest. It was a great peice of advice and my knee is now fantastic!

So yeah, with caution.

But like talking to friends you need to consider each on its own.

You also cant come to Yahoo answers and expect all your trouble to be dealt with. Few of us are professionals in the areas covered by the questions. Most are like me. Just filling in time between other things.

How about the quality of the questions asked or the missing detail.

How can a person ask:

';How old must i be to get a car license?';

Yet they don't say where on planet Earth they are.

Not only does every country have its own laws, every state also has its own so why ask this question and yet expect serious response.

I think your expecting more than is reasonable from a free community supported service where the contributes are all anonymous. If your problem is that serious go see a professional and pay for his time.
ehhh...Id have to say no I mean I dont really ask advice for people on Yahoo Answers but I've seen people answer them and they don't really make sense or either you just cant do it in real life I mean I cant really take their advice because its like fantasy world here

but I do see some really good answer a really easy step and I can do it I can deal with it it's a simple answer

so its basically YES and NOO
Well yes and no. It depends on what type of question your asking. I look at yahoo answers as a guidance or advice, but not necessarily a place to go to make a final decision. In a way it's more to orient yourself on a subject you don't know much about.

But I wouldn't do exactly what other people here tell me to do. They just give me ideas. Especially because there's so many people here than answer whatever to get 2 points..or simply make up stuff cause they're bored. So you just have to be areful on what to listen to and what not too.
Only take advice that is relevant to your dilemma. I think on the whole Yahoo have people on here that actually care and really think about the advice they give out. Of course you have your jerks that are mean, cruel and crude, but not many. Rule one, never take medical advice, except when they tell you to call/see a doctor.
Hardly ever. I use this just to get suggestions, but I rarely take anything seriously. I use people's answers to point me in the right direction.

Even when I ask open and shut, black and white questions that have one answer, I still get answers that are wrong or incomplete or just asinine.

Plus, it doesn't help that 16 year olds are answering most of my questions...

So far, I have let the people on Yahoo! Answers:

-- decide my career

-- decide that I'm going to hell

-- decide who to date and how to go about it

-- what color shirt I wear

-- what kind of car I drive

-- who to vote for

-- all medical questions

-- what my psychologist should be telling me

--etc., etc., etc.

See, if you are a twit and let life wash over you, you will have no worries by letting the Yahoo! Answers crowd be your brain.

I feel you should take ALL advice on Y!A.

In fact, take my advice and let us tell you how to live.
i don't think it should be called yahoo answers so much as i think it should be called yahoo opinions. a person's situation is only completely known to that singular person, and asking for public advice on the internet on something that might be deeply personal ... well, it just doesn't exist.
yes. i always give the best answer i can to someones problem. if i had a problem and i really needed someone to help me which i do most of the time. i would want someone to answer me with an open honest answer, and share what they know with me. so i do so with other people as best as i can.
Once in a while, yeah. People with those kinds of problems are searching for a light, maybe they'll find it. It's not much different in real life if you think about it. If you walked up to 20 random people in the street explaining a problem, how many would take it seriously?
I don't take it seriously at all. So when I ask questions, I either ask something silly, or I ask something that I already know the answer to deep down and I just need reassurance on, so if I get stupid answers it doesn't matter much.

Well, yes and no.

There is an element of stupidity and you cannot stop that however, whilst frequently you have to sort out the wallies and their rubbish, you can get good help.

A problem I had was sorted on answers.
Uh, the point of Answers is to get advice, so if you don't believe the advice is any good, then you shouldn't have asked the question.
I definitely wouldn't take medical advice, but sometimes your experience can help someone if you give them an answer.

When somebody is feeling down, they don't always need a professional counsellor. Sometimes an anonymous shoulder on a wise or experienced head can be of just as much help.
there are many categories. there are some that are really informative. in this and relationships, you must take it with a grain of salt. a few people do want to help, others (like me) is here for entertainment. every now and then i will give some sound advice
Yes, you can, from those of us who actually have common sense and don't give stupid, degrading advice, call people names and make fun of them.
It all depends on the questions you are asking. and what the responses are. i mean some responses are bogus and you can tell but other answers are not nut it never hurts to listen to ones opinion.
Yes, if it is real advice that really helps that person, and not just a joke/game. I mostly answer questions based on real life experiences, not all the time what I think.
Yes, Mr. Farty, you can. Of course you're going to get some silly and useless answers, but that's why you were given a brain - to weed them out and pick up on the good ones;)
frivolous and silly?!?! Party Mc Farty?! i never would have expected that from you.

%26lt;insert fart joke%26gt;

%26lt;insert canned laughter%26gt;
Most answers are redicoules, but most people actually put there time in some answers and life experiences and are real adriot answers.
I wouldn't say that you can take anyone's advice. Like you said, some people don't take it seriously. But for the most part, people try to give good advice.
Well, you have a good point there.

It's probably good to decide for yourself after you have gathered some opinions from others. There's some smart folks out there just like you.
If someone is asking a sincere question, I give my honest opinion. So, I will say yes, sometimes. Some people do care, ask a silly question, you may get a silly answer. Simple.
actually yes, there are times when i ask for suggestions and if i feel like it fits then i'd follow it....... like what to do when i cant go to sleep but really want to. just go to sleep doesnt cut it.
If it's something serious people will usually give you good feedback, yes. But if it's something pointless or stupid then no.

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