Monday, August 23, 2010

Does anyone have some good advice for a wannabe novelist?

I've wanted to be a writer since before I can remember. I can write school papers and smaller pieces of fiction pretty well, but I need help when it comes to maintaining the drive and focus that a novel requires. I lose confidence in my projects very easily as well. Has anyone out there been in the position I'm in now, and if so, what did you do to get over this writers block?Does anyone have some good advice for a wannabe novelist?
hi, this is a common problem but you need to take time thinking of how your book will play out, even if that time extends to years. Think of every single scene, let it run in your head with every bit of dialogue, every look, every action.

It also helps if you can think of how your story will end - what will be most satisfying to you? Imagine the final scene and the last line of the book - does it feel like a good ending which has resonance with the beginning and the story and how you want the characters to be?

Taking so much time means that any story that isn't really worth writing as a whole novel will soon get boring for you to think about. Only a really good story should survive this very long and detailed process.

If it does, you will get to the point where you are absolutely itching to write it, and then when you do, it should be a very easy and pleasurable experience.

Don't be daunted by the length of a novel, just enjoy crafting each scene and take your time and the pages will soon pile up.

ONLY when you are so happy with you book that you can't wait to show it to someone should you actually let anyone else read it. Choose someone who reads a LOT of the kinds of book you have written and RESPECT their feedback. It can be very very hard to be told 'I don't like your main character', but ask why, rather than trying to convince them that they should. They may finally agree with you but it won't change the fact that your main character is not likeable!

Expect to have to make changes but also try to be objective enough to decide when you need to stick with what you know is good.

Good luck!Does anyone have some good advice for a wannabe novelist?
hally, you're not blocked. You're writing without a blueprint, leading you into unproductive or impossible story lines. World of difference.

If you want to write novels, you need to give yourself plenty of time before you begin the writing itself. You need to identify a concept, expand it into a story, or more likely several stories which weave together into a main plot and multiple subplots, create three-dimensional characters, and all that sort of organizing. This may take months.

I cannot urge strongly enough the importance of a complete and detailed master plan, scene by scene or chapter by chapter, before you even begin the writing itself.

Writing 'free' without a plan is fine for shorter works, but you can easily write half a novel which cannot possibly go anywhere near a satisfying conclusion if you don't plan that conclusion and how you'll get there.

As you write, you may get amazing ideas, better than what's in your plan. Wonderful! Revise the plan to incorporate them before you proceed.

With a plan, you can complete a novel, even writing on the days you feel uninspired, since you know exactly what needs writing.
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If you want to be a writer then be prepared to read everything you can get your hands on. Take some creative writing courses. As for writer's block, get out and do something completely different such as skydiving, or something you would of never dreamed of doing by yourself. Get out of your routine and you may find yourself inspired.
Just write, write anything that comes into your head and let the story come from there. If you loose interest in the piece, then leave it alone, don't think about it and come back to it later. And don't automatically assume that when you start a project that you will fail. Be optomistic!!!
Too many times...

Put your work to the side for a bit and go back when you feel like it. Recollect all of your thoughts and know where you're going with everything.. Then take a walk along a beautiful place that you enjoy. Mine's a woodland path with trees and fields
Write a book.
=D your exactly like me =P

Well anyways... What I am doing (because I'm still working on it) is I have gotten a notebook (5 subject) that I only use for writing.

The first section is my main novel that I am working on and the notes I have taken on it. The characters, Story line, plot, pictures of characters, ext, and I have found it very well at keeping me working on just one and having it all planned out so I don't lose my confidence.

The second section is where I try to rough draft it (but I usually end up typing it instead but it does help when I am away from my comp and I get inspiration).

The third section: Is where I put any other story ideas I get. I don't want to get distracted from my main one so I write it there so when I finish my novel I can work on that.

The 4th section: Is were I keep inspiring quotes that I have found and small things that involve the story. For example I have animals in my story so I write down some of the basic animal movements and meaning to them. It also has magic and legends so I write those down so If I need one later I don't need to wait my time re goggling it. (I also find that it helps if you built and label what type of things are on the page.)

The fifth section is for anything extra you may need. For me during school I always ran out of papers or lost them so I kept many of my notes there so they wouldn't get lost.

Also remember to only write about things you like because if you don't fully love what you are writing. No one else will.

If you do get writers block just remember why you are writing the book in the first place. Is it to tell the world something? To speak your mind? Show something the way you see it?

With a note book it may help prevent writers block (it does for me) because i never forget what I planed to write. Or if you are just thinking of a plot sit outside or something and day dream. One may come to you =D

Good luck =D



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