Saturday, July 31, 2010

My ex is trying to summons me to family court to get access to our daughter. Any advice?

He has not seen her in over 2 years as he has been incarcerated for serious violent offences (against me not my little girl) he is due to for parole in april and I have just heard that a summons was dropped off at my old workplace. Has anyone got any advice or knowledge of the Australian legal system? I have changed my name and address (work and residential) whilst he has been away.My ex is trying to summons me to family court to get access to our daughter. Any advice?
apply for a restraining order. if he finds you and takes your child. it will be illegal and he will be sent to jail.

other than that, isolate your self from his buddies and tell your friends not to give information about you to him. (he will most likely find you through your friends and his peers)My ex is trying to summons me to family court to get access to our daughter. Any advice?
In many cases after he gets a job and gets remarried.

The court will grant him limited visits eventually however from the start you have to!

You have to let the judge know that under no circumstances can he have unsupervised visits with out your approval of the person that does the supervising meaning be there 100 percent of the time the visits occur.

not any new wife or sister that will lie for him.and never to allow him in a car alone for any excuse without the person supervising the visits.All person that act as supervisors have to be in writing and approved by you but try and use a caring but disinterested person.

Someone that only cares for the kids welfare not you or his differences.

I'm certain the court will agree.

Safety of the kids welfare is all that matters.
Get a good lawyer. He may be required to have supervised visits. But remember, just because he was violent towards you he may not be violent towards your daughter.
get a lawyer .. he will help you out .. and you will win in this case .i am sure ..
get a lawyer. I would say that as a parent and has served his time, he might be elligable to be a part of his childs life. The only thing is that you need a lawyer to guide you. And suggest he have supervised visitation and not be allowed to be with the child alone. the more proof you have on him as far as making him look bad, the better chance you will have to get full custody of the child. also, make sure you go into detail as to what type of parent you are and what you do with your child and what school she might attend and such. keep it restricted cause these rules that are set in court now will stay till the child is 18+ yrs old or till you go back to court and modify it. so watch what you accept.

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