Saturday, July 31, 2010

Does anyone want to read my college app essay and give me advice on how I should shorten it?

I wrote the essay, it's like..3000 words long. And I need help? What should I keep or throw out? And there are many grammatical errors in there, I'll fix them later. I need to know how I should shorten this up exactly first of all. Email me if you're interested. Any help will be appreciated.

Thanks.Does anyone want to read my college app essay and give me advice on how I should shorten it?
fax to meDoes anyone want to read my college app essay and give me advice on how I should shorten it?
Focus on your grammar first. The first things the application reviewer notices is your grammar. If your essay has run-ons and spelling errors, than that will overtake whatever you are trying to say. Just get to your point as quickly as possible. Remember, the reviewer (depending on the school you are applying to) has to read hundreds of these and a lot of times if they think it's too long they may not even read it all, especially if there's bad grammar.
In Essay writing, limit your important ideas into three. Follow the tips: content, organization(coherence, unity and emphasis) and mechanics-grammar, spelling, abbreviations,etc.

The essay should start with introduction-here you captivate the attention of the reader by using motivational strategies: alarming question, quotable quotes,etc. and then the body and the conclusion. In the conclusion reiterate the important ideas and leave a message at the end that would imprint in the mind of the reader.
you can send it to me.

hi punkrckgirl- writing an essay about yourself is very hard. if you need a 2nd, 3rd or 8th pair of eyes to look it over and make critiques, suggestions or whatever i would be more than happy to do so. just email it to me with your email address and i will send it back to you via my normal email address. good luck.
Just focus on your main points and cut out the fluff. A confident and skilled writer can demonstrate their thoughts through a series of clear and concise sentences without any extra baggage.
Focus on the big details and not every aspect. Tell them why you are passionate about the school and anything else that you'd like to say to impress them.
i cant give you essay advice but i can tell you to put down that your jewish and also some colleges the essay doesnt even matter so dont stress about it
Sorry but no thats to long for me
send it to me with hot pictures. lol.

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