Get involved in sports and student government. The more activities you have, the better your college application will look. Choose your friends wisely. If you get in with the wrong crowd, you can ruin your future. Don't pay any attention to people who label others as nerds. The nerds are the ones who are successful in life. Bill Gates was a nerd. Don't let your work get away from you. Don't fall behind. If there is something you don't understand, make an appointment to talk to the teacher after school. They are there to help you. If you keep up, you will be more relaxed and won't feel overwhelmed. Enjoy your HS years. They should be a happy time.How to mentaly make it through high school ideas or advice?
Understand that high school is a training ground for the rest of your life. Everything you do will shape your future, but don't look at as the finality of your existence. As a training ground, it is likely that you will make mistakes and also have some good fortune. You are never really as bad as when you screw up, nor as good as when you get lucky.
Each new school or job is a chance to start over. Think about what bothered you about grade school, and come up with a plan to prevent those things from happening again. Remember what you liked about grade school, and figure out how to get more of those experiences.
A little hard work and studying will pay off in the future. Develop good study habits and time management habits. Don't become a grind and study all the time, and don't become a party animal or a video game hermit.
Balance is the key to life. Make friends (especially of the opposite sex), learn how to listen (most important skill in life, IMHO), learn how to love, learn how to laugh (especially at yourself when you do something embarrassing), and learn how to be yourself.
Most of all, don't worry. When you're an adult, everyone you know will probably say they hated high school, even the ones that you think are cool or IN. That's because they never realized that HS isn't meant to be perfect. Think of HS as practice for your real life, and don't be afraid to make mistakes if you're willing to learn from your mistakes.How to mentaly make it through high school ideas or advice?
Just know that high school will be a one time experience. You're only in your teens once in a lifetime. The high school years are a time of mental growth so expect challenges. You'll experience many firsts some good some not so good. Don't be overly concerned about failing as failing is the pathway to success.
When you do your best and fall short of a goal give yourself a rest and know you'll do better next time. We are all human beings subject to making mistakes. The goal is not to make too many mistakes. Whenever a crisis comes learn to relax and deal with it with a rationale mind. Do your best to enjoy everyday.
screw high school I droped out and took the GED and started college at 17
everyone was against me for it but it was one of the smartest things I've ever done
Just Relax and everything will be fine
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