Unfortunately it has been affecting our sex life and we both want to address the problem. She washes thoroughly everyday, although the odor is persisting. Even my son complained of an unpleasant smell of this nature when around her and as a result she has become more self-conscious about it.My wife's vagina smells heavily of tuna. Has anyone got any advice on how she may be able to help this problem?
Well she should probably see her doctor because she may have some kind of infection. As far as douching goes I would not recommend that because there have been studies and my Gynecologist and family doctor agree that when you douche it strips away the natural bacteria that is there to maintain a healthy and pleasant environment which may cause odd smells after a while if douching is a regular habit because the bacteria are naturally there to keep foul smells(bad bacteria) out. I have never ever douched and my stuff smells peachy keen! Haha.You can research all of this on the internet. I just read it in a womens health mag at the clinic and then asked my doctors about it.My wife's vagina smells heavily of tuna. Has anyone got any advice on how she may be able to help this problem?
A fishy smell is usually an indicator of bacterial vaginosis. BV is common and is caused by an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina. She should see her gynecologist for an exam to diagnose the problem. BV is also often accompanied by irritation around the vulva/vagina, itching, redness, swelling, etc. However, one, all, or none of these symptoms may still indicate infection. The treatment for BV is either an oral antibiotic, usually Flagyl taken twice daily for five days, or a vaginal cream, such as Clindesse which is inserted one time into the vagina. It is easily cleared up, please don't let these terrible symptoms continue. A persistant fishy odor is never normal- and will not be helped by feminine sprays, wipes, douches, etc.
1. get a 2 liter of your favorite pop (best is pepsi or rootbeer or dr. pepper) due to the heavy scent of them
2. stick the open end up the vagina
3. put the pop into the vagina and tell her to keep it in there for as long as possible then let it flow out very slowly (in the shower)
4. repeat steps 1-3 for 5 days and the smell should be pop not tuna
ps. my girlfriend had the same prob. except hers smelled like cow poo
it worked for me soo it should work for you
She definitely shouldn't use a douche, they are extremely bad for the vagina and get rid of the natural bacteria in it that helps it stay healthy and clean it out. It sounds like she might have a bacterial infection, however (in this case she ESPECIALLY shouldn't douche b/c it will only irritate the infection or make it worse). Best thing to do is to talk to the gyno.
Sorry to hear that. But as a woman I would recommend using wet wipes for personal hygene, or summers eve for woman (to make her vagina smell better), another thing is that you are what you eat. Maybe have her eat more healthy, maybe she is eating food that make her skin smell different...she should drink water and eat fruits. If none work, I would say visiting the doctor because she might have something wrong with her. Hope it goes away!!! Good Luck!!
could be BV. It's a common infection that can give off a heavy fishy odor, with possibly thick glue like discharge. The treatment is 7 days of Metro-Gel. She needs to see a doctor to confirm this first. Douching may make things a lot more worse...tell her not to until she talks to her doctor. Hope this helps!
for those of you recommending douche... DONT. IF you want to make your body worse off then do so, but do not recommend other people do it. That is bad for your body. i recommend going to www.webmd.com for medical questions. if sounds to me like she needs to go see a doctor though, that sounds like infection.
No, no douching. That will make it worse. She has an infection. Women get them easily, and for many reasons . She should see a doctor and he will prescribe medication to help. This is very common and easy to fix.
She sould try using a feminine spray...But mybe a trip to the doctor is a better idea. She might have an infection that is causing the odor, better to be safe!
here is a link to peruse, most answers posted may have hit the nail on the head for you.
Yuck, I am soo happy I read this on an empty stomach. You're wife needs to run to the doctor. Unfortunately it sounds like she has an infection or an STD..
Neogynoxa or flagystatin I think she has yeast problem.
see a doctor, could be an infection.
Sounds like she needsto see a doctor !!!!! good luck
tell her to get a spray deoderant. she has nothing from keeping her dry. also tell her to use pads , like thin ones. this will also help absorb moisture. just use degree regularly or like some feminine spray.. she must sweat alot. so tell her dont be afraid to spray down there. also if she eats lots of fatty garlicky things it could come through her pores so tell her to try adding some fruit to her diet. you know what they say, you are what you eat.
Tell her to try Summers Ever douche and to eat foods like pine apples and things that smell and taste sweet.
douche and feminine spray.
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